Eight Ways to Save Money on Your Natural Gas Bill

woman turning thermostat
Gas bills can be a significant expense for households and businesses, but there are some ways to reduce your costs. Here are eight ideas to help you save money on your gas bill.

Install a programmable/smart thermostat
Installing a programmable thermostat allows you to automatically set the temperature to be higher when you’re away from home and then set it to be lower when you’re at home. Why cool down your house when nobody is home? This approach can help to reduce in a major way the amount of energy you’re using.

Turn down the water heater
You can lower the temperature on your water heater to 120-140 degrees Fahrenheit, which is still hot enough to shower or wash dishes. However, be cautious since experts agree that anything below 120 degrees creates a risk for bacteria.

Check for leaks
A leaky gas line can be a significant source of wasted energy and, thus, wasted money. Inspect your gas lines for any potential leaks and contact a professional if you find any.

Insulate your home
Properly insulating your home can reduce the amount of energy being used for heating or cooling. It may seem like a considerable upfront expense, but investing in insulation can save you money on your gas bill in the long run.

Close your curtains
Curtains and blinds can help keep the warm summer heat from entering your rooms and keep your home cooler overall.

Get out of the house
Set your thermostat higher and leave the house for the day. Enjoy the outdoors while your appliances at home are turned off. If it’s too hot to be outside, visit a mall or find a public pool.

Check for blocked vents
Ensure that your home’s furniture and appliances aren’t blocking vents and restricting airflow. Your natural gas system may be working overtime because of a blockage.

Monitor your usage
Monitoring your gas usage is critical to understanding how to save money on your gas bill. Tracking your usage can help you identify areas where you’re using more energy than necessary and help you make changes to reduce your energy consumption.

By implementing these eight simple tips, you can save money on your gas bill and make your energy usage more efficient.

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